This new series provides an overview of each Waffen-SS unit that fought during World War II, where it was raised and where it fought. Within each of the various battles covered, the book focuses specifically on each Waffen-SS soldier that was awarded the various grades of the Knight’s Cross to the Iron Cross. This first volume covers the period 1939-1942 and was written with the help of surviving Knight’s Cross holders or the Waffen-SS soldiers that fought alongside them. Unlike previous Knight’s Cross books that are reference based works, this book is aimed at providing a detailed account of the part played by each Waffen-SS Knight’s Cross holder in each battle. This project was written to answer the questions: How many Knight’s Cross holders received their award for the same battle or action? Where they one mile or a thousand miles apart? Did the actions take place on the same day? This book provides the answers.
Hard Cover, 6″ x 9″, 256 pages, over 60 b+w photos.