
May 10, 2019

Dear Friends:

Well, it has been a month since our last update but there are always new developments. We are working on our book, but here we offer eight books for your consideration; some are available, for others we are gathering orders as they will be showing up during the next 3 months. Please note which we can send right away (or within 2 – 3 weeks if sold out quickly) and those that we are taking advance orders for.


From Helion: Red Assault: Soviet Airborne Forces 1930 – 1941.

From Heimdal: Hohenstaufen 1943-1945 (We managed to get a limited number but expect more copies in a month)

From Panzerwrecks: Sturmgeschutz III and Sturmhaubitze 42.


From Abteilung 502: Panzerdivisionen (Expected in June)

From Nuts & Bolts: Nuts & Bolts # 42 (Expected at beginning of July)

From Peko Publishing: From Leningrad to Narva (Expected in June)

From Luftfahrtverlag: Mit Der Kamera an der Front (Expected  in June)

From Panzerwrecks: Panzers in Berlin

(This book will be a killer, big and loaded with great information and lots of photos, we expect it mid to end of the summer. Make sure you pre-order this one.The expected price should be around $120.00. Expected to grow more, right now it is already at 400 pages and over 300 photographs. A landscape, hard cover edition, it measures 10 3/4″ (270 mm) by 8 1/4″ (210 mm). Reserve your copy as soon as you can. The COMING SOON books will not be charged to you until they are shipped. Click on the title to see the cover.

We are still preparing several of our books and hope to announce the first really soon.

We await to hear from you soon.  John and Sharron

April 9 2019

Dear friends:

Today we offer five new books for your pleasure. From Pen & Sword – A Tale of Ten Spitfires; from Frontline Books – Knights of the Battle of Britain; from Casemate – The First Bridge Too Far; from Helion – Air Battles Over the Baltic 1941; and from Kagero – Operational History of the Hungarian Armoured Troops in World War II.

We also wish to inform you that we now have received two titles we featured previously. Armoured Warfare in the Battle for Budapest hit our desk with a loud thud. This monster is over 800 pages and, although it does not contain a single photo, is full of excellent battle accounts, numerous tables, and colour maps. Grab it while it is still in print. Additionally, we have received Der Tiger Volume 3. It is really a great photo album with many unpublished and rare photos of Tigers. Many are full page and every Tiger aficionado will find it worth every penny. Looks like this series will be a winner so do not wait to start collecting the set with the 5th or 6th volume, when the earlier ones will be out of print.

Until next time, read on. John and Sharron

March 14 2019

Dear Friends:

Here is an excellent new title for your consideration. We should have it in about 10 days. We are ordering a limited number, so do not hesitate to order right away if you want one. From Peko Publishing we offer Armoured Warfare in the Battle for Budapest.

Have a nice weekend, John and Sharron

March 5, 2019

Dear Friends:

If you heard the sound of trees falling, it is because we have been working like beavers. Very shortly we will announce our next titles, one big and one small format. There are also several excellent books from other publishers coming soon and we will be announcing them as soon as we have the details and prices.

Today, we are announcing a title that should be a winner. From Hussar Productions we offer CAMOUFLAGE AND MARKINGS OF THE PANZERWAFFE. Written by Artur Majewski, this massive volume has hundreds of new b/w photographs and 200 colour profiles. In the next few weeks we will add some sample pages and more information.

We expect to have our copies in September, but since it will be a limited printing we are taking orders now to make sure that we have enough to supply our customers. And, while the price of the book is set at $130.00, if you order by the end of March, your price will be $125.00. We will not charge your credit card until we actually ship the book to you. Standard shipping charges will apply. So, order today to make sure that you do not miss out on a terrific book.

Until next time,

John and Sharron

February 5, 2019

Dear Friends,

A few new titles to let you know about this week:

From Volker Ruff Verlag in Germany – Der Tiger Volume 3: Schwere Panzerabteilung 503; from Tankograd – The First T-34- Birth of a Legend: The T-34 Model 1940; and from AK International – Real Colors of WWII Aircraft. Click on the link for more information on these titles. We will be taking pre-orders and should have them in stock by the end of March-beginning of April.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon,

John and Sharron

Jan 2 2019

Dear Friends:

Well, let’s start the New Year with some good news – 2019 should be a good one. We plan to publish at least 3 new books, 4 if all goes well. We also are aware of a few more good ones coming from other publishers, so do not throw away your money on unimportant things! We will have news on all these as they come close to publishing dates.

Meanwhile, we want to let you know that we are taking orders for the latest Nuts & Bolts book, number 41. We should have it in our hands by the end of January, so reserve your copy now.

More news soon, have a nice weekend.  John and Sharron

October 24 2018

Dear Friends:

It has been a bit quiet on the new book front, but here are a few new interesting titles for your reading pleasure.

From Peko we offer Panzerkampfwagen Tiger Ausf. B, from Kagero SS-Kampfgruppe Peiper 1943-1945, Romanian Armored Forces in World War II, and Guerrilla Nightmare: Luftwaffe Stukas at War Against Tito’s Partisans in Yugoslavia 1941 – 1945, from Luftfahrtverlag Embleme der Luftwaffe Volume 1: Nah-und Fernaufklarer, and last from Fonthill Heydrich: Dark Shadow of the SS.


We do our best to anticipate sales of the various books that we offer. However, not being perfect, sometimes demand exceeds what we have ordered from other publishers and/or distributors. When that happens, we put you on our backorder list and try to get those books to you as soon as we can. Your patience and understanding is appreciated.

We are also working hard on three new books, more info soon.

Till next time, John and Sharron


September 14 2018

Dear Friends:

We are happy to let everyone know that POSEN ’45 has arrived and all ordered copies have been sent out. We hope that you enjoy it, all comments are welcome. Judging by sales, it should be sold out fairly quickly.

We have a chance to purchase a set of Panzer Division, Panzergrenadier Division, and Infantry Division histories (photo albums). These are the old Podzun Pallas hard cover books, each 176 pages (except the 11. Panzer), with 300 photos and some maps. Some are German/English, some only have German text. If you are interested in the set or some of them (at least three books to make it affordable for shipping) please let us know. They would be $60.00 – $75.00 CDN each, plus shipping. If there is enough interest we will buy them and contact the interested customers, first come-first served. Here are the books:  Panzer Divisions – 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 16, 19. Panzergrenadier Divisions – 3, 18, 29. Infantry Division – 5 Jager, 97 Jager, 35, 44, 61, 72, 76, 79, 126, 205, 215, 252, 260, 290. We need to know by Friday Sept 21 to get the ball rolling.

Have a nice weekend, John and Sharron

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