
October 18 2019

Dear Friends:

Great News! We are announcing today the pre-publication offer for two new titles from J.J. Fedorowicz Publishing. This offer is in effect until end of day November 10, 2019. If you take advantage of the pre-pub offer you will be charged now and save some money. If you order the books after the offer expires (or indicate that you want to be charged when the books are shipped) you will pay the full price. Both books are expected to arrive in mid-January and will be shipped together. Click on the title for price and details.

The first title, a labour of love from Mr. Dale Ritter, is Charging Knights on the Eastern Front: The Combat History of schwere Panzer-Abteilung 505. This excellent unit history is the fourth welcome addition to our catalogue of Tiger unit histories. As a bonus to our loyal customers, the first 200 books will have a special numbered sticker signed by the author, to be affixed to a signature box inside the book. There is no extra charge for it.

The second title is Combat History of the 17. SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division “Gotz von Berlichingen” Volume 2 by Hans Stöber. There will be a third volume in the near future.

Now that these two are completed, we are starting work on the next two excellent titles. We should be able to announce them next year.

We look forward to hearing from you. Have a nice weekend, John and Sharron

September 13, 2019

Dear Friends:

It has been a very busy few weeks, and now here are two more titles from Helion Publishing to ruin your budget. The first, initially announced around three years ago, is the long awaited III. Germanic SS Panzer-Korps: The History of Himmler’s Favourite SS Panzer-Korps 1943-1945 Volume 1. This book has now morphed into a large 2-volume set. The second book is Killing Hitler’s Reich: The Battle for Austria 1945. Click on the links for more details and to see the covers.

Both promise to deliver a lot of new information for those interested in the Waffen-SS. We will be putting in our order on Monday and should have them here by Sept. 26th. Since in the past some popular titles have gone immediately out of stock at the distributor we encourage you place your order by Sunday to reserve your copy/copies.

Have a nice weekend, John and Sharron

August 20 2019

Dear Friends:

Well, we are pleased to announce another new book from Waldemar Trojca: Soviet Union Air Aces 1941 – 1945. This monster is the first in his new series, History of the Great Patriotic War. It covers 381 pilots, their wartime careers (including the Russo-Finnish War and the War against Japan in the East), their aircraft and the decorations they were awarded, especially the Hero of the Soviet Union. The book is the usual hard cover, large format and includes 768 pages, 1,043 photographs, 406 tables, 784 color profiles, 26 color drawings of decorations, and 110 color drawings of military ranks. Also included is an A0 size color map that shows all Russian and German air units on 22 June 1941. English/German text. Cost is $170.00, a bargain when you consider the contents, the fact that it is the first such exhaustive study of this subject, and that the Soviet pilots (including women) carried a major load of the fighting in the early part of the air war. Their contribution must be recognized.

This book is expected to arrive in November, together with Trojca’s Aircraft Carriers of the Imperial Navy and Army Vol 1, and his edited reprint of Japanese Hybrid Warships, which you can still order. You can reserve your copy of this limited edition now (we expect to put in only 1 order) and you will not be charged until it is in stock and ready to ship.

August 7 2019

Dear Friends;

Well, it is time to announce another gigantic title from the Waldemar Trojca publishing workshop. Welcome THE AIRCRAFT CARRIERS OF THE IMPERIAL JAPANESE NAVY AND ARMY – VOLUME 1. This massive book is written by Hans Lengerer, and Waldemar Trojca has provided the colour profiles. Volume 2 will be printed probably at the end of this year.

As this is a small print run we need to put in our order by Friday, August 9 and it will probably be our only order. So, if you want this fantastic reference book, order it right away. We will not charge you until the book is in stock and ready to ship. At this time, we predict that the cost will be approximately $160.00.

Hard cover, 12″ x 8.5″ (30.75 cm x 21.5 cm); Glossy paper; English and German text; 306 photographs, 673 technical drawings, 45 colour profiles, 68 tables.

FYI, the reprint of the Japanese Hybrids book will arrive in the same shipment as this book.

Expected delivery here – early November 2019


The Panzers in Berlin book is now printed and our copies will arrive around August 26th. If you have not yet ordered this excellent book, do so now to make sure you do not miss out on it. We do not know how many extra copies we will have.

And, Unternehmen Ilse should also reach us in about 10 days, so last call for this shipment.

Well, that is all for now, some more excellent news next week.

John and Sharron

July 23 2019

Dear friends:


From RZM, we offer on pre-publication UNTERNEHMEN ILSE, 5. SS-PANZER DIVISION “WIKING”, EASTERN POLAND, 27 APRIL 1944. This heavy-weight contender (12″ x 12″ format) is 328 pages and weighs in at 6.5 pounds (3 kilo). Click on the cover to see sample pages and understand why its quality and size justifies the price of $195.00. Just the shipping will cost a pretty penny! However, to make it a little more affordable, you can own this beast for $180.00, and we will keep the shipping at our normal level. We will not charge your credit card until the book is shipped.

This offer is good until end of day July 31 so do not delay in reserving your copy. We expect the book to reach us around August 25th.

More great books are on the way from us. Hoping to hear from you soon. John and Sharron

July 19, 2019

Dear Friends:

A quick update regarding a reprint of the excellent book by Martin Pegg on the Henschel  Hs 129 aircraft. This limited reprint should reach us at the end of August. Please note that this book has been in great demand and is fetching hundreds of dollars on various Internet sites. We need to know by end of this Sunday if you are interested in a copy so that we can put our order in on Monday. After that, we cannot guarantee if any other copies will be available, as we will only bring to fill our orders, plus a few extras. We will not charge your account until the book is in stock.

Have a nice weekend,  John and Sharron

July 12 2019

Dear Friends:

We are happy to pass on some good news, and offer new titles for sale.

Panzers in Berlin – We have received news on this book. It is printed and we expect to have our copies around August 20. Our shipment will be limited to only the copies ordered plus a few extras, so do not wait if you want this fantastic book. Check out the sample pages and be amazed.

The retail price has been set by the distributor quite a bit higher than the approximately $120.00 CDN we expected. It will be $140.00 CDN. However, to be fair, for those that have already ordered it, and for those who will order it by end of day July 18, the price will be $125.00 plus the regular shipping. If you choose to take advantage of this offer, your card will be charged on July 19. If you prefer to wait until August and pay the regular price, please let us know.

We are also announcing a new book from the After the Battle people: Operation Torch: The Invasion of North Africa Then and Now. It looks like another winner from this publisher. We should have our copies in about 2 weeks.

Good news for those waiting for several back-ordered titles. We should have them in about 2 weeks.

Well, this should provide some excitement and interest for this weekend. Have a good one. John and Sharron

June 21 2019

Dear Friends:

Well, time to tempt you with several new titles. From Helion we offer Red Wind Over the Balkans – The Soviet Offensive South of the Danube, September-October 1944, and Forgotten Heroes – Aces of the Royal Hungarian Air Force in the Second World War. From Greenhill Books we have Mortar Gunner on the Eastern Front, Volume 1 – From the Moscow Winter Offensive to Operation Zitadelle. From Frontline Books we suggest Stauffenberg, Symbol of Resistance. From Pen & Sword comes My Father: Joachim von Ribbentrop. Last but not least, from PeKo we offer War Photographer 1.0; 40M Nimrod Tank Destroyer and Armoured Anti Aircraft Gun; and German Self-Propelled Guns on the Battlefield.

We have announced several other books, but they are either delayed a bit or on their way from Europe. Please be patient as your orders will be filled as the books arrive here.

There are a couple of other excellent books in preparation and we will be announcing them soon.

Lastly, our two next titles are almost ready for the printer and we will be announcing them very soon. All for now, have a nice weekend.

John and Sharron

June 5, 2019

Dear Friends:

As an addition/correction to our update earlier today, it has come to our attention that as to the Das Reich volumes, it is volume V (not IV) that deals with the fighting in Normandy. As a result, we are adding Das Reich V to the list eligible for the 25% discount. You can still order Das Reich IV at 25% off.

Das Reich V

Sorry for the minor screw-up.

John and Sharron

June 4 2019

Dear Friends:

June 6, 1944 saw the greatest sea-borne invasion in military history. To commemorate its 75th anniversary, we are extending a very special offer to our friends and customers. Until the end of June we will apply a 25% discount to the J.J. Fedorowicz titles listed below, and whose subject matter deals completely or partially with the fighting in Normandy in the summer of 1944. Click on the covers of the books you wish to acquire for your collection. We hope that they will add to your summer reading pleasure.

John and Sharron

Das Reich III
Das Reich IV
The Eyes of the Division
Götz von Berlichingen Vol. 1
Hill 112
In the Firestorm of the Last Years of the War
The Leibstandarte IV/I
The Western Front 1944

Das Reich Tigers
Tiger: The History of a Legendary Weapon
schwere Panzer-
Abteilung 503
schwere Panzerjäger Abteilung 654

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