Dear Friends,

Today, we have 2 titles for your consideration.

From Pen & Sword, we have The Road of Slaughter: The Latvian 15th SS Division in Pomerania, January-March 1945. This title is on the way to us now. We expect to receive it in about a week.

From Chandos Publications, we have German Wings in Italian Skies: Imperial, Inter-War and Luftwaffe Military Aircraft in Italy 1911-1945. This is a brand new title that looks really interesting. We expect to receive it by mid-July.

We will be placing our orders next week, so please reserve your copies by end of day, Sunday, June 16th!

A quick note, for those of you who ordered Hitler’s Last Levy: The Volkssturm 1944-45 and In A Raging Inferno: Combat Units of the Hitler Youth 1944-45… Despite ordering these 2 titles immediately, the distributor was already sold out when we placed our order. There are more copies on the way, which we should have in about 4 weeks. Orders for these titles we be filled immediately after we receive them. We apologize for the inconvenience. In these times, distributors do not want to stock too many copies of any one title.

Also, stay tuned for another warehouse consolidation sale that will be coming up in about 2 weeks from now…

We look forward to hearing from you!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie