Category: News

June 3rd, 2024 – Update

Dear Friends,

Today, we have 5 titles for your consideration.

From Pen & Sword, we have The Breakthrough of Kampfgruppe Peiper in the Battle of Bulge and The Churchill Crocodile: 141 Regiment RAC (The Buffs).

From Greenhill Books, we have Luftwaffe Bomber to Nightfighter, Volume I: The Memoirs of a Knight’s Cross Pilot.

From Helion, we have Hitler’s Last Levy: The Volkssturm 1944-45 and In A Raging Inferno: Combat Units of the Hitler Youth 1944-45.

We will be placing our order on Thursday, so please reserve your copies by end of day, Wednesday, June 5th!

We look forward to hearing from you!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

May 1st, 2024 – Update

Dear Friends,

Today, we have 4 titles for your consideration; two new, and two reprints:

NEW TITLES – From Air World, we have: Stalin’s Falcons, and from Pen & Sword, we have: A German Soldier on the Eastern Front.

REPRINTS – From Peko, we have 2 out of print titles that have been reprinted in soft cover (making them much more affordable), Last Panzer Battles in Hungary: Spring 1945, and Armored Warfare in the Battle for Budapest.

We will be putting in our order in a couple of days so please reserve your copies now!

We look forward to hearing from you!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

April 28th, 2024 – Update

Dear Friends,

Today, we offer 4 new books that have just arrived. From After the Battle, we have The Siegfried Line. And, from Down Under, from Avonmore Publishing we offer three great titles (all soft cover) on the Pacific War. They are: Pacific Profiles 13, Pacific Profiles 14, and Solomons Air War, Volume 2.

Stay tuned, we will be adding more Avonmore titles in the near future as they are excellent additions to any library. Although they’re soft covers, the paper quality is excellent, and the photographs and colour profiles show perfectly. That’s all for now! Our next auction will be announced soon!

We look forward to hearing from you!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

April 13th, 2024 – AUCTION: WEEK 16

Dear Friends,

Today we have for your consideration the sixteenth batch of books for auction from the acquired collection. Now, some of these books are out of print. So keep an eye out for the titles marked “OUT OF PRINT” and grab them as quick as you can!

Convoy Peewit: Blitzkrieg from the Air and Sea 8 August 1940

German Air Projects 1935 – 1945, Volume 4

Henschel Hs 129

The Wehrmacht’s Armoured Fist

Nuts & Bolts 32: Mittlere Gelandegangige Lastkraftwagen (0)

Nuts & Bolts 34: Sd.Kfz. 7-8 ton Zugkraftwagen Krauss-Maffei and Variants

Nuts & Bolts 37: Jagdpanzer IV L/48 (Sd.Kfz. 162)

Nuts & Bolts 39: Sd.Kfz. 6-5 ton Zugkraftwagen Bussing-NAG and Variants

Nuts & Bolts 41: Bussing’s schwerer Wehrmachtschlepper (sWS), Armoured and Unarmoured Variants

Japanese Experimental Transport Aircraft of the Pacific War

Japanese Battleships, Volume 1

Panzer Operations: The Eastern Front Memoir of General Raus, 1941-1945

My Father Joachim von Ribbentrop

To the Gate of Hell: The Memoir of a Panzer Crewman

The Black Bull

Panzer Destroyer

British Armoured Divisions and Their Commanders, 1939-1945

The Battle for Moscow

Manstein: Hitler’s Greatest General

Carrier Attack Darwin 1942: The Compete Guide to Australia’s own Pearl Harbour

Enemy at the Gates

Erich von Manstein: Hitler’s Master Strategist

This week, you have until midnight, Tuesday, April 16th to bid.

Please note that the price listed is the minimum bid, you can bid higher but not lower. Highest bid by end of auction wins, and in case of a tie, the earliest bid wins. After Wednesday, the winners will either have their credit card charged, or will receive a Pay Pal request. Those Canadian customers who prefer, will get a bank transfer request.

A quick note to our customers who prefer to pay via the PayPal option. Please do not worry about sending payments right away. When we receive your order, we will email you to confirm and provide you with a breakdown of the total cost that will include shipping charges and tax, if applicable. We will then send you the PayPal request for payment.
**ATTENTION** Some of the titles from past auctions are still available at a great price! All you need to do is visit our past auction posts here. Click on the title’s link to see if you are able to access the order page. If yes, then the book is available for purchase at the posted price. If not, then the title you selected is no longer available.

In the coming weeks we will have more auctions that will include JJ Fedorowicz Publishing books, as well as a damaged books sale; all part of our warehouse Spring cleaning and consolidation.

We await your bids! Good luck!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

April 7th, 2024 – AUCTION: WEEK 15

Dear Friends,

Today we have for your consideration the fifteenth batch of books for auction from the acquired collection. Now, some of these books are out of print. So keep an eye out for the titles marked “OUT OF PRINT” and grab them as quick as you can!

Panzerjager, Vol. 1

Panzerjager, Vol. 2

Guderian’s Foxes

Villers Bocage: Normandy 1944

Three Days in Hell 7-9 June 1944

The Corridor of the Death: Mortain-Falaise-Argentan 1944

Panzerkampfwagen IV

Tiger Tank: Owners’ Workshop Manual

Vorwarts Immer, Ruckwarts Nimmer!

You Up There – We Down Here


Panzers In Normandy: Then and Now

German Panzers and Allied Armour in Yugoslavia in WW2

The 116.Panzer-Division’s Panther Battalion in Normandy


Tiger I: In Action

Kursk: The German View

Between Giants: The Battle for the Baltics in World War II

Last Panzer Battles in Hungary

Surrender Invites Death

Norway 1940

9.Panzer Division, 1940-1943

The SS-Division Wiking in the Caucasus, 1942-1943

Sd.Kfz.6 Mittlerer Zugkraftwagen

Sd.Kfz.10/4 & 10/5 Selbstfahrlafette

Dunkirk 1940: Through German Eyes

Prinz Eugen: The Story of 7.SS-Freiwilligen-Gebirgs-Division, 1942-1945

The Forgotten Battle: Overloon and the Maas Salient, 1944-45


The Third Reich in Power

Sacrifice On the Steppe

Illustrated History of the Sturmgeschutz-Abteilung 202

Liri Valley: Canada’s World War II Breakthrough to Rome

This week, you have until midnight, Wednesday, April 10th to bid.

Please note that the price listed is the minimum bid, you can bid higher but not lower. Highest bid by end of auction wins, and in case of a tie, the earliest bid wins. After Wednesday, the winners will either have their credit card charged, or will receive a Pay Pal request. Those Canadian customers who prefer, will get a bank transfer request.

A quick note to our customers who prefer to pay via the PayPal option. Please do not worry about sending payments right away. When we receive your order, we will email you to confirm and provide you with a breakdown of the total cost that will include shipping charges and tax, if applicable. We will then send you the PayPal request for payment.
**ATTENTION** Some of the titles from past auctions are still available at a great price! All you need to do is visit our past auction posts here. Click on the title’s link to see if you are able to access the order page. If yes, then the book is available for purchase at the posted price. If not, then the title you selected is no longer available.

In the coming weeks we will have more auctions that will include JJ Fedorowicz Publishing books, as well as a damaged books sale; all part of our warehouse Spring cleaning and consolidation.

We await your bids! Good luck!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

April 4th, 2024 – AUCTION: WEEK 14

Dear Friends,

We are back again! This week we have for your consideration the fourteenth batch of books for auction from the acquired collection. Now, some of these books are out of print. So keep an eye out for the titles marked “OUT OF PRINT” and grab them as quick as you can!

Heinkel He 177, 277, 274

Germany’s Secret Weapons of World War II

Spitfires Over Berlin

Japanese Special Projects: Experimental Aircraft of the IJA and IJN 1939-1945

Heinkel He 111

Das vergessene As: Der Jagdflieger Gerhard Barkhorn

The Bristol Beaufighter

Dunkirk Air Combat Archive

US Air Force Special Operations Command

The V-Weapons: Then & Now

Heinkel He 219: An Illustrated Story

German Fighters 1936-45: Volume I

German Fighters 1939-45: Volume II

Messerschmidt Me 210/Me 410 Hornet

Barbarossa – The Air Battle: July-December 1941

This week, you have until midnight, Monday, April 8th to bid.

A quick note to our customers who prefer to pay via the PayPal option. Please do not worry about sending payments right away. When we receive your order, we will email you to confirm and provide you with a breakdown of the total cost that will include shipping charges and tax, if applicable. We will then send you the PayPal request for payment.
**ATTENTION** Some of the titles from past auctions are still available at a great price! All you need to do is visit our past auction posts here. Click on the title’s link to see if you are able to access the order page. If yes, then the book is available for purchase at the posted price. If not, then the title you selected is no longer available.

We await your bids! Good luck!

John & Natalie

March 23rd, 2024 – Update

Dear Friends,

Today we have a new book for your consideration, some interesting news, and a surprise discovery! Let’s start with the new title…

We are now taking advance orders for Italian Fighters, 1939-45, Volume 1: Macchi, which will be arriving in May. If you are interested and want to grab a copy, please let us know by end of day, Wednesday, March 27th.

On to the news… We are re-configuring our warehouse and moving approximately 50,000 books. We anticipate that we will run across some out-of print books during this task, and will be featuring/offering some of them in special sales. They will include JJ Fedorowicz titles, Trojca titles and other well-known publishers. They will be an opportunity for many of you to grab titles that you may have missed out on in the past, and buy some other ones at a good price. We anticipate that we will be holding these special sales this summer as we hope to have the warehouse re-configuration completed by the end of the summer.

Next, along with the special sales this summer, we will be bringing back, by popular demand, our JJF auctions! We found some titles that have not yet been featured, and will be auctioning them off when time permits. Stay tuned!

Lastly, as mentioned above, as a result of the warehouse reconfiguration, we came across a box of our title Between the Oder and the Elbe. They are brand new and shrink-wrapped. Here is your chance to grab a copy at a great price, only $70.00!

Well, that’s all for this weekend. We look forward to hearing from you!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

March 14th, 2024 – Update

Dear Friends,

Today, we have a whopping 6 titles for your consideration!

Thunder Over the Reich

The German Way of War: On the Eastern Front, 1941-1943

Scharnhorst and Gneisenau

Frontkampfer: Wehrmacht Photo Albums from the Front

Generals and Admirals of the Third Reich: For Country or Fuhrer, Vol. 1

The Me. 262 Stormbird Ascending

We expect to receive them next week. Some will sell out quickly, so reserve your copies by the end of Saturday, March 16th.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

March 3rd, 2024 – Update

Dear Friends,

Today we have a few books for your consideration. From Chandos Publications, we have the launch edition of Axis Wings: Volume 1 – The Luftwaffe and Co-Belligerent Air Forces Compendium. From Luftfarht Verlag, we have HEER im Focus No. 2. From AK Interactive, we have The Age of the Main Battle Tank. And finally, from Nuts & Bolts, we have Nuts & Bolts No. 48.

These titles will be arriving in mid-April. As a result, please place your order by the end of day, Thursday, March 7th.

Also, we just wanted to mention that along with the above-mentioned titles, we will be receiving a couple of titles that we featured recently, The Battle of Kursk and Italienfeldzug Vol. 4: German Tanks and Vehicles 1943-1945. If you haven’t had a chance, take a look!

We look forward to hearing from you!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

February 15th, 2024 – Update

Dear Friends,

Today, we have 2 books for your consideration. From Pen and Sword, we have Battle of the Cities: Urban Warfare on the Eastern Front. And from Classic Publications, we have the reprint of Heinkel He 162: Volksjäger From Drawing Board to Destruction – The Volksjäger Spatz.

We will be placing our order on Monday, February 19th and ask that you reserve your copies, by ordering online or emailing us, by end of day on Sunday, February 18th. We should be receiving these titles by the end of this month.

We also wanted to let you know that we have a couple of copies of Kampfraum Arnheim and Heinkel He 115 left in stock of each from the latest shipment we received. Both look like excellent additions to any military history library!

We look forward to hearing from you!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

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