Category: News

January 7th, 2025 – Update

Dear Friends,

And a Happy New Year to all great friends!! We wish you peace, happiness and good fortune for 2025!

Today we have one title to promote (we expect to have it in stock soon) and it looks like an interesting one. For all of you panzer enthusiasts out there comes Panzer Aces of the Wehrmach and the Waffen-SS: The Ultimate Tank Killers of WW2 (Pen & Sword).

Next, we have some news regarding some of the titles that we listed last month. Arriving, in about 2 weeks, are: Waffen-SS Knights and their Battles, Vol. 5 and Vol. 6 (already out of print!!), Defending Normandy 1B, and Panzerwrecks 26: Bulge 2. If you haven’t already placed your order, this is your chance to grab them while in stock!

We look forward to hearing from you!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

December 27th, 2024 – Update

Dear Friends,

We wish you and your loved ones Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!

Today we have two titles to promote. One is a reprint and the other is brand new.

From Crecy Publishing we are now taking advance orders for a brand new title, Fiat Fighters, which will be arriving in January. Drawing on company documents and reports from military archives, the book explores the design, development and operational career of each type of fighter, as well as production, prototypes, technical aspects and much more. The volume is illustrated throughout with hundreds of rare and fascinating photographs.

Loyalty and Honour has reprinted Peter Mooney’s Waffen-SS Knights and their Battles, Volume 5. We will be ordering it along with Volume 6 next week. So, if you do not have either, here is your chance to order both volumes.

Also this coming week, we will be putting in our order for Defending Normandy 1B and Panzerwrecks 26. This is also your last chance to get in on this order.

Finally, we also want to mention that this is your last chance to get in on the first order for Einsatz Arnheim , and Panzerkrieg Volume 2.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

December 5th, 2024 – Update

Dear Friends,

Today we are featuring several excellent titles that will be arriving in January/February 2025. Please be advised that the prices listed are approximate.

From Panzerwrecks, we offer Defending Normandy 1B, and Panzerwrecks 26, both expected in mid-January.

From Leaping Horseman, we offer Panzerkrieg Volume 2, expected in January/February.

From Loyalty and Honour, we offer Waffen-SS Knights and Their Battles – Volume 6: September 1944 to January 1945, expected in January.

From Zwaardvisch Publishing, we offer Einsatz Arnheim, expected in February.

Please place your order by the end of Sunday, December 8th!

We look forward to hearing from you!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

November 20th, 2024 – Out of Print Auction!!!

Dear Friends,

We hope that you are having a great week so far. As mentioned in previous updates, this summer we found a number of our out of print titles when re-organizing our warehouse. Now that we are organized and ready, we decided that the best way to go about offering the titles to you is to hold another one of our (very popular) auctions!

Some titles are brand new and shrink-wrapped with no damage. Others are new but may show a bit of wear, or have some other minor damage. Regarding the prices, we want to be fair, but also have to weigh in our work and bills, etc. And so, the minimum bids will be close to the original regular price, a bit more if in new condition, a bit less if there is some wear.


The links below will bring you to our website where you will be able to view some brief details like the title, author, number of pages, number of photos, and color if any. For more information on the titles, you can search our website ( or “Google-it”.

Please note that we have one copy of about half of the titles available, so you may bid at the asking price, or higher if you really want to be competitive. We will accept the highest bid. In case of a tie, the earliest bid wins. However, the titles where we have multiple copies are marked with a “*”. In those cases, the highest bid will get the best copy. The next highest will get the next best condition, and so on.

There will be a link to each book so we ask you to order on our website as you would normally. However, when ordering, do not forget to include your bid in the customer/order notes section.

Here are the titles:

Panzer Aces

Tigers in the Mud

Armored Battles of the Waffen-SS

*Freneux and Lamormenil, the Ardennes

Tigers in Combat I

*The Leibstandarte III

*Das Reich I

*Combat History of Schwere Panzerjager Abteilung 653

*Combat History of Schwere Panzerjager Abteilung 654

*Combat History of Schwere Panzer Abteilung 503

*Combat History of Schwere Panzer Abteilung 507

*Like a Cliff in the Ocean

Between the Oder and the Elbe

Battle of Kharkov

The History of the 12. SS-Panzerdivision “Hitlerjugend”

*Normandy 1944


Michael Wittmann and the Tiger Commanders of the Leibstandarte

Please note that you have until midnight, Sunday, November 24th to bid. Successful bidders will be contacted via email/telephone.


Due to the high charges from credit card companies and security concerns, we encourage you to use an alternate method of payment. We encourage all of our customers to use Pay Pal, but our Canadian customers can also choose to pay by e-transfer. Regular shipping will apply, but no further discounts will be applied.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We await your bids and wish you all good luck!

John & Natalie

November 7th, 2024 – Update

Dear Friends,

We are pleased to let you know that we have now received a shipment from the UK! Not all of the items that we ordered were sent, but we hope that they will be included with our next order.

Here’s what’s arrived:

We have received Axis Wings, Volume 2: The Luftwaffe and Co-Belligerent Air Forces’ Compendium and have several still available for purchase. We also have 2 copies left of the re-print of Axis Wings: Volume 1 – The Luftwaffe and co-belligerent air forces compendium – Launch Edition available for purchase.

We have received some more KV Soviet Heavy Tanks: The Soviet Tank that Paved the Road to Victory and have only one left for purchase!!

We have also received FLAK: A Photo Study of German Anti-Aircraft Weapons and have 2 left for purchase. Grab them while you can!

Next week, we should have the JJF sale books itemized so that you can get your hands on these out-of-print JJ Fedorowicz Publishing titles.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

October 2nd, 2024 – Update

Dear Friends,

Just a short update for you today…

KV Soviet Heavy Tanks: The Soviet Tank that Paved the Road to Victory is now sold out! If you want one, please place your order right away! We will try to bring in a few more copies of it along with some other backorders that we are waiting for.

The KV title will arrive in the same shipment as Axis Wings, Volume 2: The Luftwaffe and Co-Belligerent Air Forces’ Compendium and the reprint of Axis Wings: Volume 1 – The Luftwaffe and Co-Belligerent Air Forces’ Compendium, which we expect to receive at the end of October. If interested, please order these ASAP as well!

We look forward to hearing from you!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

September 20th, 2024 – Update

Dear Friends,

We hope that you had a great week! We just wanted to send out a quick update on the shipment status of the KV Soviet Heavy Tanks: The Soviet Tank that Paved the Road to Victory. The shipment of this book, the FLAK: A Photo Study of German Anti-Aircraft Weapons, and the Valiant Press books we announced recently, has been collected by UPS in Europe. Providing that everything goes to plan, we expect it to reach us at the end of next week. If that it is the case, your copy will be on the way to you on Tuesday, October 1st.

At this time, we have 4 copies of the KV Soviet Heavy Tanks: The Soviet Tank that Paved the Road to Victory that are still available for sale. From the feedback we have received so far, it is a fantastic book and worth every dollar. So, if you have not ordered yet but know you must have one, order now as the remaining copies will be sold on first come first served basis. Due to the costs of bringing in such a heavy and expensive volume, we cannot guarantee when, or if, we might be able to bring in more copies. The publisher has informed us that it is almost out of print as only 999 were printed.

Speaking of which, we now have all costs related to this book. When first announced, its estimated cost fell between $250.00 and $300.00. We can now announce it’s cost as $285.00.

**Please note that there will not be any discount on the price of this book.** If included in an order with other books, we will apply the appropriate discount to the other books, but not the KV Soviet Heavy Tanks: The Soviet Tank that Paved the Road to Victory.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

September 4th, 2024 – Update

Dear Friends,

Today we are happy to announce that we are now taking orders for a new title from Canfora Publishing, FLAK: A Photo Study of German Anti-Aircraft Weapons. Featuring over 200+ photos, the book is a detailed photo study of German anti-aircraft weapons. We have attached several for you to see for yourselves, but even Natalie commented on the quality of the photos, which never happens.

We have secured a limited number of this title, and it will be included in the shipment (at the same time as the new KV title) coming this month. If you are interested in securing a copy, please place your order by the end of Sunday, September 8th.

One last note, we just wanted to take a quick minute to let you know that we are still working on the list of out of print titles. It will be ready shortly! Again, we really appreciate your patience.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

August 21st, 2024 – Update

Dear Friends,

As promised, we have assembled the rest of the Valiant Publications titles, Luftwaffe and Allied, that we have available. They’re a perfect addition to the titles highlighted in yesterday’s post!

The Supermarine Spitfire: Part 1 (Merlin-powered) including the Seafire

The Hawker Hurricane: A Complete Guide To The Famous Fighter

The North American P-51D/K Mustang Including the P-51H & XP-51F, G & J: A Complete Guide To The Cadillac Of The Skies

The Avro Lancaster (including the Manchester), Part One – Wartime Service

The Avro Lancaster (including the Lancastrian), Part Two – Post-War Service

The Grumman F4F Wildcat (including GM FM-1 & FM-2): A Complete Guide To Grumman’s First ‘Cat’

The Heinkel He 219 ‘Uhu’: A Detailed Guide to The Luftwaffe’s Ultimate Nightfighter

The Hawker Sea Fury: A Detailed Guide to The Fleet Air Arm’s Last Piston-Engine Fighter

The Westland Whirlwind : A Detailed Guide to The RAF’s Twin-Engine Fighter

The Hornet & Sea Hornet: A Detailed Guide to RAF & FAA’s Last Twin-Engine Fighter

The Me 163 Komet: A Detailed Guide To The Luftwaffe’s Rocket-Powered Interceptor

The Heinkel He 162: A Detailed Guide To The Luftwaffe’s Volksjäger

The Gloster/A.W. Meteor: A Detailed Guide To Britain’s First Jet Fighter

The Messerschmitt Me 410 Hornisse (inc. Me 210 & Me 310): A Detailed Guide to the Last Zerstörer

The Henschel Hs 129: A Detailed Guide to the Luftwaffe’s Panzerjäger

The Fairey Firefly: A Detailed Guide to the Fleet Air Arm’s Versatile Monoplane

The Fairey Barracuda: A Detailed Guide to the Fleet Air Arm’s First Torpedo-Bomber Monoplane

The Heinkel He 177 Greif: A Detailed Guide To The Luftwaffe’s Troubled Strategic Bomber

The Blohm & Voss Bv 141: A Technical Guide

The Focke-Wulf Ta 154 Moskito: A Technical Guide

The Henschel Hs 123: A Technical Guide

The Westland Lysander: A Technical Guide

The Bristol Beaufort: A Technical Guide

Again, we will not be overstocking these titles. So please place your order between now and Sunday, August 25th to guarantee the copies that you want. These titles will be included in the shipment (at the same time as the new KV title) coming in September. Just a small warning, a couple of these titles are getting short in supply (so tells us the publisher) so, as always, they will be reserved on a first come first served basis.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

August 20th, 2024 – Update

Dear Friends,

Today we offer some new titles, plus some titles that we have not had in stock for a while.

From Chandos Publications, we are now taking pre-orders for Axis Wings, Volume 2: The Luftwaffe and Co-Belligerent Air Forces’ Compendium. This title will be printed in September 2024, and we will be bringing in a shipment shortly after. To reserve a copy, please place your order by end of Sunday, August 25th. In case you missed out on Volume 1, its reprint will arrive with the new Volume 2.

From Valiant Publications, we are offering two new volumes from the Airframe and Miniatures Series, The Junkers Ju 88, Part 1: V1 to A-17 plus B-series: A Complete Guide to the Luftwaffe’s Legendary Twin and The Junkers Ju 88, Part 2: Ju 88C to the T-series: A Complete Guide to the Luftwaffe’s Legendary Twin.

At the same time, here is your chance to get your hands on some of Valiant’s older titles that have been hard to obtain, such as: The Messerschmitt Bf 109 – Early Series (V1 to E9 including the T-series): A Complete Guide To The Luftwaffe’s Famous Fighter, The Messerschmitt Bf 109 – Late Series (F to K including the Z Series): A Complete Guide To The Luftwaffe’s Famous Fighter, The Messerschmitt Bf 110: A Complete To The Luftwaffe’s Famous Zerstörer, and The Junkers Ju 87 Stuka: A Complete Guide To The Luftwaffe’s Famous Dive Bomber. We will be bringing in a shipment at the same time as the new KV title, in mid-September. Please note that we will not be overstocking. Place your order between now and Sunday, August 25th to guarantee the copies that you want.

You will notice that these are all Luftwaffe titles, but in near future we will be listing several more, and most of the Allied aircraft issues, such as two new titles on the Lancaster. If you know of any and would like to order them, please e-mail ( or phone us and indicate which titles you are interested in – we will add them to our shipment.

Well, this is all for now, but we just wanted to take a quick minute to let you know that we are working on the list of out of print titles that we will be featuring in our next update. We should have the list out to you in a few days – the new titles listed above have cut the line. Our apologies to those of you who have been waiting patiently. Stay tuned!

We look forward to hearing from you!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

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