From the Baltics to the final Apocalypse in Berlin 1945
A detailed account of the III. SS-Panzer-Korps’ retreat from Estonia, battles in Courland, Pomerania, and Berlin, featuring rare photos and veteran accounts.
Heinrich Himmler regarded the III. (Germanic) SS-Panzer-Korps under SS-Obergruppenführe Felix Steiner as his favorite unit and general in the Waffen-SS. This SS-Panzer-Korps was supposed to ideologically unite SS volunteers from Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Belgium and Switzerland into a Germanic brotherhood – intended to politically serve Himmler´s plan of a Greater Germanic Empire and the colonization in the East. Battles against the Red Army in the Baltic states, Pomerania and Brandenburg-Berlin 1944 and 1945.